Tuesday 1 March 2011

Film - Taken

In response to changing our idea, I have looked into films which have similar themes to ours. Taken is a film about an ex FBI agent who hunts down the people who kidnapped his daughter and her friend. It was  directed by Pierre Morel and released in 2008

Here is the trailer:

Taken is an action thriller. There is immense suspense throughout the whole film, as we are never sure if Bryan will ever find his daughter. Bryan (Liam Neeson) fights the criminals alone in this film, and survives many fights, which is something that I find quite unrealistic. The fact that the film presents the shocking reality of sex trafficking is something that I think makes the film more interesting and gripping, as it does not seem unrealistic in this aspect.

What I have found from this real media product that I can apply to my project:

- It is important to have a dramatic and emotional kidnap scene to draw the viewer in.
- Presenting a gritty reality makes the film more appealing and unglamorised, fitting in with the stereotype of an independent British film.
- An unrealistic hero deters an audience, it is effective to have a tragedy (Josh dying)
- The search for Dannie throughout the film would work well, at the suspense is maintained, keeping the audience interested

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